I came across this blog re-posted by a childhood friend on Facebook this morning and it brought back some sweet memories. It is especially good for mothers of daughters and I wanted to share it too. Thanks Amanda M!
When our kids are young and in the season of life where they are so dependent on us, isn’t it hard sometimes to see the future and focus on what the end result will look like for our kids? Some of us are just surviving the day; sometimes, even the hour. I have a daughter who is now 19 and in her first year of college and I ask myself often, “Where did the time go?”
The most recent sermon series at our church this month is about Family-Breaking Bad Habits, Creating Healthy Rhythms and Finding a Place for God. As I sat and listened to our pastor on Sunday talking about creating healthy rhythms, I found so much to be true. Our family was not a church going family when my daughter was young. I was a single mom for many years and was definitely in survival-mode for most of her life. I did have faith though and that was the only thing that I held on to during those years. I tried often to teach my daughter that God is the only answer and to value the person that God created her to be. Sadly, I made faith my last resort more often than my first and I definitely was not connected to friends nor did I have a sense of community. One thing that really struck me to be true from Sunday is, “what you pour into your children WILL come back out one day”.
I watched my daughter go through the hardships of her teenage years and make choices of her own free will and it was hard at times not to throw up my hands and walk away. Some friends, even family members would say that I should have (just walked away). I watched her make choices based on her insecurities and wanted her to value herself more than I valued myself at her age. It is all a part of growing up but it's that balance of the push and pull that is so hard on a mother.
Today, I sit and watch her making grown up decisions about her life and what I see is her turning to her faith to help her make those decisions. Words from me throughout the years, that I thought went unheard were indeed tucked away somewhere in a little pocket of her heart. She brings them out every now and then and it’s a beautiful thing. It makes me think though, wow, I'm going to need some EXTRA help with my two boys. I need the help of not only God, who is forever out front leading the way, but, also the help of other wiser moms who can pour truth into my kids and help give me a different perspective as a mother; one that maybe I haven't thought of before.

“You’re beautiful from head to toe, my dear love, beautiful beyond compare, absolutely flawless.” Song of Solomon 4:7b
In the early years it may seem like your kids just aren’t “getting it,” but be not discouraged, moms, these truths are tucked away for safe keeping and will come pouring back out again one day just at the right moment ; all in God’s perfect timing .
To watch videos on the current sermon series (Family) from Prairie Lakes Church click here:
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