Monday, December 16, 2013

You Strike Down To Bind Me Up

This song has changed my life...
John Piper's message coming through in the middle gives me chills! 
"All of it is TOTALLY meaningful!"

To the One who gives and the One who takes away, I will forever praise Your Name.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thankful Tree

I can't take credit for the original on this one either. They are crawling all over Pinterest but it sure was a fun project! I made one for our neighbor too!

I started with gathering branches from trees and bushes in my yard. I tried to get a variety of sizes and lengths. I then stuffed them in a glass vase (added a few glass beads at the bottom for stability). 

I then gathered some pretty construction paper and scrapbook paper in greens, oranges, yellows, reds and browns and traced an actual leaf. I then cut them and punched a hole for hanging. Just add some twine and start writing out your blessings one by one.

Our family has a lot to be thankful for this year.

Mod Podge Flower Frames in Vase

This idea came from a friend who got it from another blogger so I can't take credit but I made it my own using different colors and scrapbook papers. This one was for my mother-in-law for her desk at work. It holds pictures of her four youngest grandchildren.

I started with unfinished wooden flower frames from Hobby Lobby for about $1.99 a piece (on the wooden letter aisle). I then painted them with acrylics and let them dry for a few minutes. You can go crazy with colors.

I then gathered some pretty coordinating scrapbook paper and cut pedals for the flowers. I simply Mod Podged those onto the wooden frames.

I purchased a small colored vase from Hobby Lobby for about $3.99 and cut burlap ribbon to glue around the middle. Then finished it off by hot gluing some additional flower embellishments. Pick anything you like (buttons, pearls, ribbon).

I uploaded the pictures that I wanted to use to Wal-mart online and had them printed the same day, then cut them to fit. There are four pictures so I had to use two vases. I also added some floral arrangement green foam pieces to the inside of the vases so I could arrange the flowers to fit and hold them in place. Cut a small part of the wooden stem of the flower to stagger them in size.

4 little cuties!