Today at my mom’s group, I had the honor of holding a fresh, brand new baby for an hour or so. He was so warm. He had tiny little hands, tiny ears and a tiny little nose. I was watching him make cute little faces as he was drifting off to sleep, and thinking about the words from our speaker on how God created us in His image and thinks we're all beautiful because we are each His very own masterpiece, uniquely gifted. It was in those moments that a wave of emotion rushed in that was so unexpected and it was hard to fight back the tears. So many things have happened over the last week or so that have me thinking about the celebration of life and the fragility of life and just how truly precious
each life is.
Just a week ago, my pastor was present here locally with a family as they laid to rest their 20 year old son who was so lost that he took his own life. Also this week, a friend whose 3 year old has been fighting for his life with brain cancer is
triumphantly finishing up his
last two chemo treatments after an 18 month journey. Another friend is on the other side of her battle with breast cancer and has been continuously blessing others with her sunny disposition, even though some days are still hard for her. Sadly, another friend just lost a baby and is heavy with physical pain and emotional grief. Still, other friends are longing and waiting patiently to have a baby of their own. Another friend is grieving the fact that after two babies, she physically cannot have any more and is trying to process those feelings in the midst of her friends having babies all around her. Another dear friend is challenged with caring for her dying father whom she never knew while working full time and taking care of a husband and three young children. And lastly, a longtime family friend is angry and afraid and crying out on Facebook as she is in her final stages of life and has entered hospice care.

As I was processing all of this today, I was thinking about seasons, specifically Spring and how it brings new life to this dormant land. Oh, how I can't wait to see new life spring up from the ground! Along with that, I thought of Easter coming up, and how Christ Jesus and his death on the cross and resurrection also brought new life. Jesus tells us in
John 10:10 that
the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy; but I (Jesus) have come so that you may have life, and have it in full. He also says in John 11:25,“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” What a comfort it is to know that God loves us so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may all have life. He does not intend for us to merely get by but to live life fully and not in captivity of the enemy’s lies. He wants a relationship with us. He wants our hearts and he promises us eternal life and a place with him in his kingdom if we choose Him.
I’m praying for each one of these lives tonight. I pray for the little baby boy I was able to hold this morning that he would grow up to know Jesus. I pray for friends who are grieving, longing, waiting; that they would have peace and find joy while they are waiting and that they would know how very much they are loved. I pray for those who are sick with depression and suicidal thoughts that God would bring them to a safe place high on the Rock and they would know of His power and how mighty enough He is to meet their every need. I pray that God would bring people into their lives to tell them how beautiful they are and speak truth to them by reminding them that they are the sons and daughters of the King of kings and that they are precious in His sight - and that who they are is not defined by their current circumstances.

I pray for the dying that as God is pursuing them even in death that they would make the decision to receive Him so that they may have eternal life with Him in His kingdom. I pray for their caregivers that they would have courage and strength and that they would be led by the spirit in their days ahead.
I praise God and celebrate with friends who have trusted and triumphed and have come out on the other side of their storms. It is a time to dance and a time to share of all He has done through these storms and to give hope to others who are fighting the darkness.
God! He is so faithful! Thanking Him for LIFE tonight! How precious...how wonderful...how fragile it is.